the orign of species - the beginning of the theory of evolution

idcz123 - when you hear about evolution, you often think this is the theory of Darwin. allright, evolution is a theory that Darwin put forward the opinion that living things have a beginning of the same lineage.

the orign of species - the beginning of the theory of evolution

the orign species stands of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life is a book by Darwin in which this book had a substance that all species on earth is the result of an evolvingpopulation of generation to generation through natural selection.

a lot of bad assumptions about this book, why? because the book is contrary to the theory of creation according to religious beliefs. however, according to people who never argued with me (I am a well educated religious and scientific) about the theory of evolution reveals that this theory has nothing to do with the theory of creation. the core of our discussion the theory of creation (by religion) is a theory that explains the beginning of life (abiogenesis) and not contrary to the theory of evolution and still there is a relationship and the creation of his theory of evolution (evolutionary) also gave a statement to be true that is atheistme. so I closed the debate with him because the discussion has moved away and did not get the absolute necessity for me.

go to the orign of species, the book is the result of orign speciesdarwin long sea expeditions by ship HMS beagle in the 1800s. time he made many observations of the animals he had encountered on that journey. after that he went after his expedition to observe theexperiment and again.

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