Natural selection - the concept of confirmation theory of evolution

Idcz123 - no denying the theory of evolution can be scientifically justified in the dimensions and what makes the theory of evolution is still there is the concept of natural selection as a supporter of the theory of evolution. Described the theory of evolution is a theory which assumes that living things have a common ancestor. Relationship with natural selection is that the extinct creatures are the result of natural selection in which the theory of evolution as the cornerstone of this concept.

Law of the jungle and natural selection

Do you still know the law of the jungle? True, within the meaning of the law of the jungle where creatures could survive aka her as the winner and not different from the concept of natural selection in which the substance had on survival. Obviously this is good enough for the living things that have a long survival. Indication of any living thing could survive a variety of variables, ranging adaptation to environment, diet and food, and disease and its source. Indication that create the concept of natural selection.

Natural selection as the driving force of evolution theory

Understood that the theory of evolution and the concept of natural selection can not be excluded. Given the first living creature (a kind of one-celled animal) breed more of the second generation as well as more than the third generation and beyond. So that the x-generation saturation sometimes occurs where the game of natural selection can be done. In the ancestors of apes demonstrated (sapiens) became extinct hundreds of thousands of years ago due to natural selection whereas now it's a kind of ape evolved from ancestors who survived.

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